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nice game :D

(Gameplay in Spanish)




the fact that i was actually scared while playing this says a lot


it does say a lot


I understand why this game was such a big hit.  Loved the cutesy gameplay and then the nightmare that follows.




Could you try and make a mobile port of this game? I really wanna play it on my phone


first horror game to actually jumpscare me



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is there a way to save???? I dont wanna play game anymore i almost shit myself after i saw Lamu!

nope :( its a short game im sure u can hold it 💩 


when i got on the holographic part where lamu is going eat us i was like " ah... welp! I see you in ohio!" 

i know right i am constapated to so i dosen't help at all


the plot twist.. You are a genius!!

well, genius is a bit much >:)


My video got a lot of traction for me ... i loved this game... what you think is innocent.. is not ...

thats awesome!


Never thought a llama could jump scare me.


boo 🦙 



btw  lamu makes a cameo in santy is home i firsed played all of kulus game in middle school and know i am in highschool revesiting all of his games thank you for being the only good thing in middle school.



I'm still hungry



please dont


Funny and spooky game!

glad u enjoyed it!

this is a great game keep it up bro


very creepy, loved the switch from cute game to horror game! Not gonna lie,  Lamu has probably haunted my dreams now, good job!

dreaming of lamu~


I didnt think I would get scared twice. But thank you for the game.

damn cldnt get a third

LOL Maybe next time. Lamu got me good I almost spilt my tea

Is it normal that when the game changes to 3d the game freezes?

nope, which version are you playing on?

The latest version for windows

when u say freeze, does everything just stop? (including sound and inputs)

yes everything stops

not sure whats causing this, u can try the web version :D


This game is literally insane. The cartoonish horror is a lot of fun.. but the switch to the different style of horror game is the best part. Literally 10/10 one of the best games on this website.

thats a huge compliment as one of the best.. thanks for playing!

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excelente juego  



Recently played this game, and WOW! Loved the story and the aesthetics! Really enjoyed it!

Here, have some gameplay in spanish!


thanks for playing, glad u loved it :D

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I started a youtube channel few days ago... I thought I could make a good recommendation video with this game. I think this is perfect to prank your friends with, you guys should definetly try it!

oh yeah it definitely is a good prank >:)




I recently Played Hungry Lamu for a friend.  Shes a huge Horror fan and she loves Llamas.  Sadly Im not much into Horror but I do love Cute things.   First have of the game was easy for me to get though though I did have questions.  Second part im afraid I was really lost in the woods.  SMH Either way heres the birthday gift video I did for my friend.

Good Luck on the Rest of your Endveors.

happy birthday mena’s friend :)


I had so much fun playing Seamongrel I had to check this out and I'm glad I did! I was horrified enough with the first half of the game, the second half twist really got me!

oo thanks for playing another one of my games!


really wasnt expexting THAT to happen, big change of mood

u didnt expect that!? :O

i mean it looks so cute and stuff at first and then it completely changes


That's supposedly the player, as they appear in the same position when the game enters first person.

Everyone don't be sad about the banana friend IT WANTED to share her fruit with us^^ LIE


how can I make the game fullscreen on the browser?

u cant :-(

ah ok :( thank you

u can kind of do it by zooming into ur browser :D (ctrl +) for windows or (cmd +) for mac

Thank you but with that method you always see the menu on the right corner and since I want to record the gameplay for my YouTube channel, this is not so convenient... 🙃


I felt so friggin guilty when I found out the banana was the dog T-T


but she wanted to be eaten! 

Oh yes we must not forget our dear banana friend DEFINITELY wanted to share her fruit with us

Not me over here being a cat person


Loved this!

glad u loved it :-)


I Really loved this game, the twist is very good, keep up the great work!

rip :(


Fun into scary, I love the change in style once Lamu becomes a threat. Great game. 


wdym, lamu’s just ur friendly llama 


question: i really like the game, will you update it with maybe more endings, mechanics etc. cause that would be really interesting to see.

this game is finished, future stuff will come in another game :)


this is such a good game! Scares me alot!



i love the style of this game

thank u B-)


dang the ending is so suprising god damn

gawd dam

btw i played this before markiplier lol


the poor fruit buddieesss 😥😭

poor lil fruits

they wanted to share their fruit! its perfectly fine to share-sharing is caring!


This was really genius. I love how you made something so silly and funny, and then show us that things aren't always what they seem. Made a spanish gameplay about this, hope you like it!



im so sad the poor bnana


they will live on in our hearts </3

not in lamu forest park tho

Dark "Humour"

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