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(1 edit) (+1)

[REDACTED] be like: "I fear no man, but that thing... it scares me..."
Anyways, really loved this! The plot twist was amazing, and overall the game was really well crafted. Also love the lore! My only complaint would be that the trails in the second part are a bit faded, so it's really hard to tell where they go. Other than that, great game! Got all three endings hehe.

thanks for plying and the for the feedback! glad u enjoyed it :)


Hey, if you ever want Lamu to have a voice beyond the sounds they make, I'd like to audition!

Here's a sample of my attempts at voicing them

cool :)

oh god is that vore oh god no plea no awhha

You do realize this very game has vore in it, even though the devs didn't intend for it to come off that way, right?

people have lost their minds nowdays, next they are going to do taco vore, hamburger vore, and pizza vore, each day we are more hopeless, god save us.


ah shit that  is scary




i'm being real i'm being real the gore part of this game is what i love

thats good to know :o

this shit is scary once you get to the second part i love it because of the dead bodys man


i like that lamus face looks like its a mask on top of the real face 

cosplaying lamu




holy cow!!!  the second part is not what i was expecting at all! very good and fun twist :))




thank you :D


Very fun game , I kinda missed the car in the beginning and when I went to play it the 2nd time I was onto Lamu's tricks 😂.

too smart for lamu


Fun Horror game :) 





May I pet the lamu?

go ahead


I'm gonna be honest, I LOVE THIS GAME! Especially because I love Llama's, and it's combined into an old scary game story. (THE CONVIENENCE STORE)

its a stand alone tho :)


Amazing! Such cute graphics and so well made! Also I loved the secret ending



i love this game




The start (art style, mood) reminds me of "Happy Tree Friends" and then it switches to Slender man. Fun little game. Nice.

i loved happy tree friends



thank you :)


The game was great bruh

thanks bruh


Well made.


I would have written a longer comment but didn't want to spoil it for other people, it was an experience for sure ^_^



now u can!





what a kool game ;) 



This was great! I really enjoyed playing this and I loved the twist. Wasn't expecting it. Well done.

thanks for covering my game :D

1.  Cherries grow on trees, not bushes.
2.  Should be able to continue by hitting space or enter, not requiring a click.

there’s a reason to everything 🧐


Wow, this game is so cute! Sure would be a shame if...

It took a dark turn...

F  for Mochi...


would be a shame..

wher tha F ma boi?


I enjoyed this game. So funny 

glad you enjoyed it!


I really enjoyed this game! - and the lore is awesome too!!

(poor mochi tho :[ )

poor ol mochi


man what a cute game. i sure hope it wouldn't take a dark turn

: )


I really liked the twists and turns this game takes with it's gameplay. I was very SPOOKED and enjoyed exploring. 

If you want to see my dumb face upon getting spooked check this out:

thanks for covering my game! 


men in black

me  encantta la atmosfera y el cambio de jugabilidad, realmente un juego increible esperando por proximas actualizaciones

thank you for playing :)


bro So Epic

epic uh\

игра про соник ехе !!


This update is really scary!! Its an awesome addition to the original game!

Love it!

(I played your game 1st)

thanks for covering my game!! :D


When I downloaded the game, it said "Windows protected your pc". Not sure if the game has a virus or not, was looking forward to playing it :/.

there’s no virus :) you can play the browser version as well if you’re not certain

Ohh, ok! I will try downloading the game again and see. Thank you!

Played it! The game was super fun, I really liked the storyline as well and how the first part of the game aligned with the second part when it switched to 3D, made for some interesting gameplay :D. Nice job!


Had fun playing this game, I'll def have to try out the other endings, that switch up got me lol

thanks for plying!

Thanks for making it :)


Was confused about how this was a horror game until it happened lol I did like the game tho, I made a video if anyone wants to watch

haha glad you enjoyed it!


Extremely terrifying! I was deeply unsettled the entire time!


thanks for playing!!

I think I have a bug, it doesn't give me the option to get in the car and the only ending I can get is the 3rd one. I tried a lot


the option to enter the car is in a very specific spot behind the front passenger seat

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